Galacto oligosaccharide (GOS)
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Galacto oligosaccharide (GOS)

In nature, there is a trace amount of Galacto oligosaccharide (GOS) in the milk of animals, and the content of breast milk is slightly more. GOS has pure sweetness, low calorific value (7.1J/g), sweetness of sucrose 20%~40%, and strong moisture retention. GOS can be used in food processing because of the Maillard reaction when co-heated with protein.
GOS is a kind of prebiotic, which cannot be absorbed by the human body, but can promote the growth and activity of probiotics in the large intestine, such as bifidobacterium, acidophilus lactobacillus and other beneficial bacteria, and improve the digestion and absorption function of the human intestine. The digestive function of newborns is relatively weak, so GOS nutrients are added to infant milk powder.


  • Appearance: White to off-white crystals or crystalline powder
  • Solubility: Soluble in water
  • Self time: 24 months
Product Specification
Package Type 25 Kg drums
CAS Number 6587-31-1
Market Applications Sports & Lifestyle Nutrition, Food, Beverage
Health Benefits A kind of prebiotics, can promote human body (especially infant) digestion
Alternative Names 4'-galactosyllactose