Betaine Anhydrous (TMG)
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Betaine Anhydrous (TMG)

Betaine anhydrous is a chemical that occurs naturally in the body.  It can also be found in foods such as beets, spinach, cereals, seafood, and wine.
Betaine anhydrous helps the body to process a chemical called homocysteine.  Homocysteine is involved in the normal function of many different parts of the body, including blood, bones, eyes, heart, muscles, nerves, and the brain.  Betaine anhydrous prevents the buildup of homocysteine in the blood.
A specific betaine anhydrous prescription product (Cystadane) is FDA-approved for the treatment of high urine levels of homocysteine (homocystinuria).  People also use non-prescription betaine anhydrous supplements for reducing blood and urine homocysteine levels, athletic performance, depression, dry mouth, and many other purposes.


  • Appearance: Colorless crystals or crystalline powder.
  • Solubility: Water,160 g/100 mL
  • Stability: Stable. Hygroscopic. Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents.
Product Specification
Package Type 25 Kg drums
CAS Number 107-43-7
Market Applications Food & Beverage, Animal Nutrition, Sports & Lifestyle Nutrition, Personal Care
Health Benefits Reduce blood lipids, anti-fatty liver; Anti-aging; Promote fat metabolism
Alternative Names Trimethylglycine, TMG